Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Original Pancake House (Milwaukee, WI)

Before parting ways for the winter holidays my boyfriend (GWK) took me out for breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Breakfast is a favourite meal of GWK's and the Pancake House is his most beloved breakfast joint. While there GWK had his favorite stack of blueberry pancakes while I had my usual kid's pancake meal with bacon. The only thing that could make the Original Pancake House better would be to increase their glass sizes - a regular water/orange juice is very small (maybe 12 ounces).

The Original Pancake House had two women's rest rooms and GWK teased me for only looking at one of them but I am fairly certain they're the same.

From Restrooms

From Restrooms

I love the greens, yellows, and reds that the walls and floors are decorated with. The Mansfield toilet was well maintained and the counter was spotless. It is worth it to note that I was there on a Tuesday at 11, not a peak time for traffic. It would be interesting to see what the restroom looks like during the breakfast period on a Saturday or Sunday.

Well, till the next flush,


Rio West Cantina (Milwaukee, WI)

I was recently at Rio West Cantina in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for Taco Tuesday, where all tacos are $1. The tacos were delicious - I had chicken with corn tortillas while my friends had chicken and beef with flour tortillas. Quite the deal for dinner out with friends!

While there I couldn't resist checking out their restroom and I'm happy to report that it's roomy, colorful, and well maintained. The decorations on the wall fit well with the Mexican theme of the restaurant and the wall colors were bright.

From Restrooms

From Restrooms

The toilet was a sparkling floor-mounted Kohler, 1.6 gpf.

From Restrooms

This was one restroom I wouldn't feel grimy about using at all!

Till the next flush,


The Beginning

Every tail must have a beginning, this is mine.

Almost two years ago I developed a strange interest in bathrooms, specifically toilets. Partially due to my studies as an Architectural Engineering student focusing on building environmental systems, partially because I thought they were interesting.

This interest turned into conversation ("KB's gone looking at the toilet again.") and conversation turned into fact. Friends that had heard about my fascination put signs in their bathrooms warning me not to look into the tank while others refused to let me use their restroom.

I've expanded since then, and hopefully become more discreet in my gazing upon these porcelain behemoths. Now I'm seeking to provide reviews of restrooms I find myself in, ranging from cleanliness to aesthetics to selected fixtures. Being a woman my reviews will be biased until I manage to con someone into taking pictures and getting me information about the men's restrooms but that's probably a long way off.

Till the next flush,